Seminario 178 'Modular Harmonic Cancellation in a Multilevel STATCOM', y 'Unified Power Quality Conditioner based on Current Source Converters for Harmonic Mitigation using a Decoupled Control Strategy' Javier Muñoz y Pedro Melín, alumnos tesistas de Doctorado en Ing. Eléctrica DIE-UdeC, presentarán avances en sus respectivas líneas de investigación. Las charlas se realizarán este viernes 28 de octubre de 2011 a las 16:00 y 16:30 hrs., respectivamente, en las dependencias del laboratorio LCDA. El resumen de sus ponencias presionando en "Ver Detalles". "Modular Harmonic Cancellation in a Multilevel STATCOM"
This work presents a three-phase Static Compensator (STATCOM) built-up with two types of single-phase H-bridge power cells. Differently to configurations based on symmetrical units, the proposed structure is assembled using one type of power cells for compensating reactive power at fundamental frequency and another kind of power cells for compensating harmonic currents. Hence, high power - slow semiconductors can be used in power cells to compensate reactive power at fundamental frequency using low switching frequencies and the harmonic compensation is done using power cells that feature low power - faster semiconductors commutated at high frequencies. Thus, the functionality and overall efficiency can be improved while keeping the modularity feature. Moreover, this approach allows decoupling the control objectives and thus, using the superposition principle, independent control strategies can be designed. Additionally, the power cells considered for harmonic compensation can be self adjusted as the load conditions change in order to operate at minimal DC voltage. Simulated static and dynamic results confirm the theoretical considerations.
"Unified Power Quality Conditioner based on Current Source Converters for Harmonic Mitigation using a Decoupled Control Strategy"
The Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) is an equipment used to improve the power quality that is based on the union of a series active filter and a shunt active filter. The resulting topology has the characteristics of both active filters and can compensate voltage and current disturbances while improving power quality customer. The topology based-on current source converters (CSC-UPQC) has been shown to have a good responsiveness to voltage disturbance by using a first order filter in the series stage, thereby allowing a rapid response to the voltage imposed at this stage and using low switching frequencies without the problems associated with
the resonance of the second order filter used in the voltage source topology. In this seminar will show a control scheme based on non-linear control scheme for current harmonic compensation by the shunt stage. The proposed control scheme allows maintaining the characteristics of fast voltage disturbance meanwhile currents harmonics are mitigated. This work was accepted in the 37th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. |