Seminario 254 Model Predictive Control for Power Converters in a Distorted Three-Phase Power Supply Sr. Jaime A. Rohten C.
Alumno de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, LCDA – DIE The interest on weak and micro grid systems has grown up substantially last time,
specially tied up to alternative power generation, isolated systems as aircraft or
islanding power systems. These kinds of systems are usually under important
variation on their quantities, specifically in their voltage amplitude and/or frequency.
On this line, many studies about synchronization have been developed, which may
work under important variations on the frequency value, unbalanced voltage and even
with harmonic distortion. However, power converters connected to this class of
systems are poorly documented – specifically controlled rectifiers. In fact, most of the
controlled Active Front End (AFE) are defined to work in a fixed frequency and
balanced system. This paper deals with an AFE topology connected to a variable
frequency and unbalanced voltage supply system applying predictive control and fixed
resolution sampling strategy. The results show the feasibility of the proposed control,
where the performance is highlighted by simulated and experimental waveforms. |